¢1Ruler used for measurements is an enhanced version of the one found in the bottom right corner of the Athens GIS snapshot and is as accurate as the GIS data it is sourced from.

¢2Acreage calculated at http://www.csgnetwork.com/lawnacrecalc.html

Western 275x215 chunk is 1.36 acres

Eastern 280x140 chunk is .9 acres

Combined area is 2.26 acres

2.26 acres is 14% of 16 acres

If the center begins making "surplus cash" (profit) at 83% occupancy, 17% (100%-83%) of resident fees will be profit at a full occupancy of 200 residents.

.17 * 200 residents
= 34 residents are that 17% group that NCR profits on

34 residents * $2500/mo * 12 months
= $1,020,000 annual profit for NCR

If the average resident fee is only $1500, which seems unlikely given the fact that NCR was collecting $2500 room deposits over two years ago, the numbers look like this:

.17 * 200 residents
= 34 residents

34 residents * $1500/mo * 12 months
= $612,000 annual profit for NCR